How to apply a Solo Launcher theme? Just follow these easy steps:
1. Download Solo Launcher Hand Draw Theme
2. Press Open
3. Press Apply
Now you are ready to enjoy the awesome Solo Launcher Hand Draw Theme.
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We all remember how when we were young we used to hand draw a lot and our parents took those hand draws and put them on the fridge. Well, Because we remember those times too, we created for you the perfect launcher theme. We know, that's great! You can now have a launcher that it will remind you of your childhood and how great it was. Despite that its great for a fancy lady that love to be joyful and cute all the way. Solo Launcher Hand Draw theme, it's the perfect launcher theme for you because we know that inside each one of us is a kid that will always love to hand draw. Download now the Solo Launcher Hand Draw theme and enjoy remember how beautiful and simple were things when we were little with this launcher theme. Get this launcher theme and Make your phone awesome.